Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic snowboarder's 'street' style offends Japanese

Kazuhiro Kokubo is the talk of Japan. Not for his snowboarding ability but for the way he looks. The 21 year old Olympian caused a ruckus for the cabinetlevel government lawmakers to the citizens of Japan when he came to Vancouver for the winter games. He was wearing the appropriate attire but he added his own twist to it. Kukubo's outfit consisted of an untucked shirt, pants below his hips, and a loosened tie with an unbottoned shirt. He had a double nose piercing, dark sunglasses and dreadlocks. Tatsuo Kawabata, Japan's Minister of Education said that it was completely unacceptable the way Kokubo was dressed and that it should never happen again. Kokubo apologized for the uproar he caused in a news conference. Other sources say that Kukubo went to Vancouver to snowboard and that he is only embracing a lifestyle. Another source says that it was a national uniform for the Olympics and he should have worn it right. Kukubo failed to medal.

I understand why this is a controversal subject. The attire for the Olympics was supposed to be formal and Kukubo made it very informal. The snowboarder came to Canada to snowboard and some would say that it doesn't really matter how he wears his clothes but he is representing Japan in a bad way. I think when your in a national event and your required to wear the official attire, you should do what your country expects of you and not try to draw attention to yourself. It would be all right for him to wear what he wanted in private but not when he's seen in a national event. There are times when you have to look the part and do what other people in your country are doing especially since it was required. I don't mind that he had peircings or dreadlocks but the clothes is a uniform. If everyone put their own twist on their outfit then it would no longer be a uniform to bring the country together.

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