Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man has court date on charges of raping girl, 13, holding her captive

A man from Buffalo, New York is going to court Thursday to face charges that he raped a 13 year old runaway girl and that also held her prisoner in his home for six months. The man, Michael Abdallah, 26, has pleaded not guilty on all his charges which include, second degree rape, unlawful imprisonment and custodial interference. Thursday's hearing will determine if the case will go to a grand jury. Abdallah kept the girl behind door with dead bolt locks and was alleged to have sex with her more than 100 times. Information about how the girl escaped and where she is now isn't being released. Acording to one of Abdallah's neighbors the girl told him that she was older than 13 and she denied having sex with Abdallah. She also said that she didn't want to go to her mother. Police told newspaper that Abdullah was a drug dealer and "lured" the girl in. She was trapped physically and psychologically in his home.

To start with, i think this is one of the worst things you can do to person without killing them. Taking someone against their own will and holding them captive. Not only did he keep her imprisoned but he sexually abused her. Its a terrible crime and sin, and Abdullah should be locked up for a very long time, maybe even for life. It said in the article that Abdullah was trying to help the runaway girl but if he wanted to help her he would have taken her back to her home, even if she didn't want to. He obviouly wouldn't have kept this girl behind a dead-bolted door. Abdullah is charged with custodial intereference which means that he was trying to take the place of the girls parents. I would really like to see the girl and see what she has to say about this whole situation. I highly doubt she would have rather stayed at Abdullah's house rather than being home with her mother.

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