Friday, February 19, 2010

Issue #1 War Dollars

The Consitution makes the president the commander and chief of the U.S. armed forces. But the Constitution also allows Congress to approve federal spending. In the past, Congress has used the "power of the purse" for war efforts. Vietnam War was unpopular so Congress put a cap on troops and when Ronald Reagan wanted to help fund fighting in Nicaragua, Congress denied him. Because of the war in Iraq policymakers and others debate whether Congress should influence or restrict the military policy in Iraq. Many people who advocate that Congress used it power to change Iraq policy argue that the American people have clearly expressed frustration with the war. Critics argue that if the president doesn't change his policy than Congress has authority to do what the people want. Overall, American's say that the war is doing more harm than good. It is taking lives and wasting billions of dollars. Some advise Congress to deny any funding for war or tie any military funding to certain conditions. The president has sole power to deteremine how America goes about their wars. Executive branch supporters say Congress isn't as well equipped as the president's administration is when it comes to military policies that will create a victory. Critics also say that the president should veto any legislation constricting Iraq war policies because it may doom the war efforts and cause more terrorism.

In my opinion, we need to have a strong military and it's good that we are using our money for that. On the other hand I don't think we should be putting all this money into the war. We should stop funding the war but continue to fund our military so we are prepared for any threats. In this case a strong offense is the best defense. Congress should put some sort of limits on the funding and make some policies especially since it's what the people want. The majority of American's don't want to be at war so we should slowly pull out. Changes need to be done and if the president isn't willing to do it then Congress needs to step in and take control. Ed Hornick did an article for CNN that talks about American's being sick of the war and its effects.

Issue #2:
Spending what we can afford

Issue #3
Social Insecurity

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